Photo Credit: Unsplash / @vitormonthay
During your pregnancy you will hear your care providers talk a lot about the optimal position for your baby to be in within your belly. This is known as the occiput anterior (OA) position, occiput means ‘back of head’ and anterior means ‘front of body’, therefore the best place for your baby to be is with the back of their head facing the front of your body. When they are in this position with their chin tucked into their chest, the smallest part of their head can move through the largest part of your pelvis, making the transition easier for both of you.
There are lots of variations of the OA position depending on how their little bodies are twisting within your womb. In addition, your baby can also move into positions that can make birth slightly less comfortable and straight forward. Some of these alternatives include; breech (feet first), transverse (lying sideways across your pelvis) and the occiput posterior position (back-to-back). With these less convenient positions a vaginal birth is still possible, but a natural birth may require care providers with experience in these more unusual positions. In some cases, a caesarean birth will be suggested if your care provider believes that it is safer.
Throughout your pregnancy, especially in the early stages, your baby is likely to switch up their position often. In most cases, your baby will move into the OA position just in time for the big day. Try not to be disheartened if this isn’t the case and speak to your care providers about the safest birth plan options for your unique situation. In the meantime, here are a few different ways you can encourage your baby to turn:
This method has a 50% success rate, as a lot of babies decide to move again afterwards. It involves a medical professional manipulating your bump with their hands to nudge your baby into the OA position. This can be a little uncomfortable for some expectant parents. Speak to your care provider about whether an ECV could help you.
Sometimes the reason your baby is not in the OA position is because your pelvis needs to be realigned to make space for them to turn. Visiting a chiropractor for an adjustment (or a few depending on your unique situation) is a painless way to create more room and could also help to relieve lower back and hip aches and pains.
This ancient Chinese practice involves burning small cones of dried herbs at different acupoints along your body to create a warm sensation and moxa smoke. This is thought to improve the flow of energy (qi) in your body, dispel certain pathogens and encourage your baby to move without medical intervention.
There are several exercises and movements you can try to encourage your baby to move into a more effective position. The website Spinning Babies is a great resource to look at for inspiration on the different exercises and positions you can try. Try to stay as active as possible during your pregnancy to maintain your health, prepare your body for the upcoming labour and to make it easier for your baby to move around.
Whatever position your baby finds themselves in, remember that a positive birth experience is still possible. Try not to get too attached to your birth plan and consider a plan B and C just in case, so that no matter how things work out, you will still have the birth that’s right for you. If you would like to find out more about how hypnobirthing can help you during your pregnancy, please book a free clarity call with me.
Love, Megan